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Indie Development – Prototyping

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Indie developers don’t get discouraged!

David Marsh over at Gamasutra wrote an excellent post related to indie game development. It’s worth a read. I agree with a lot of his points, and would like to expand upon a few things from my own experiences.


Developing games has become easier and easier over the past couple of years thanks to a widespread independent games boom. Independent games are becoming more popular every day and they are easily available and distributed over the Internet. Most importantly independent games are usually available for free. Since indie developers have no restrictions in terms of content or deadlines, most indie developers try to push the boundaries and create original game play ideas, art styles and content.



Now, you don’t have to be a master programmer or artist to create cool and unique games. I actually believe that in some cases it is better to use a game maker type program or editor, because it is an easy way to prototype your ideas and see them in action quickly. Then, you can adjust your game design decisions on the fly, without having to be boggled down by code or even rewriting an engine. There are a wide number of free development tools and resources available throughout the Internet. Heck, you may even already own a game that comes with a toolset to create original content. These tools are a great way to experiment and get your ideas online with ease and tested by others.


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Written by brunokruse

February 27, 2008 at 1:30 am